Cybersecurity Training for Your Employees

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Is your staff ready for a cyberattack?

While hiring a top-quality IT provider might be an important part of keeping your network safe, training your employees about what to look out for is arguably just as crucial. Without the proper training, your employees might be the very reason that your system falters; data breaches are often a result of staff members opening up a phishing attack by accident, or downloading something that they should never have clicked on. If you’re worried about the security of your company data and whether or not you’re vulnerable to cyberattacks, read our helpful guide and make sure that you stay ahead of the game. We’ve listed some helpful tips so that you’re prepared for whatever is thrown your way.

Simulate a real cyberattack

Similar to when a coach tells you to practice at “game speed,” the best way to properly equip your team to deal with a cyberattack is to simulate the look and feel of a real one. Choose an IT provider that sends out fake phishing emails so that your staff can learn to discern them from the messages that generally populate their inbox.

Implement a solution from the top-down

One of the most important things that you can do for the well-being of your IT is to make sure that everyone at your company is on the same page. Everyone, including the executive staff, needs to have a solid understanding of how your IT plan aligns with keeping your information safe and secure.

Train employees as soon as they start

The sooner you familiarize your staff with the nuances of your cybersecurity, the easier it will be for them to avoid problems down the road. It’s like teaching a child another language—if you wait until they’re much older, it only becomes more difficult. As soon as an employee starts their role, teach them how to be on the lookout for phishing scams and other forms of cyberattacks that could compromise your information security.

Be honest with yourself about your current solution

There’s no sense in pretending that everything’s fine if that’s not the case. Perform vulnerability tests and penetration tests to determine how effective your current cybersecurity solution is.

Invest in data security

Find a provider that understands the nuances of your personal network. Make sure that they’ve had enough time to investigate what makes your personnel unique, and what specific areas you might be coming up short in. The more thoroughly you fortify your network’s security solution, the more likely you are to avoid phishing attacks, viruses, and other cyberattacks.


If your employees are having trouble understanding why they need to go through security training or how it’s going to benefit the company, communicate with them why it is important. Don’t let solvable problems fall by the wayside; if you take the time to explain why cybersecurity is essential to your team, it’s that much easier to get everyone on board.